CM Services

Charlie McIntyre

CM Services (UK) Ltd base their advice and training on 22 years’ experience in a diverse range and size of industries and professions across all market segments.

They specialise in a number of areas including:

  • Structured Sales Course – One-day course from planning through to closing.
  • Telephone Sales – Live calls contacting actual customer base and getting results.
  • Field Sales Training – Including Main Accounts and Sales Managers in the customer where it matters with the decision-makers.
  • Appraisals – Gathering vital information from employees on how they feel.
  • Screening Interviews – Mainly for sales roles the aim is to leave busy Sales Directors with a short list of the right candidates.
  • Interim Management – Perform the Sales Director or Sales Manager’s role for a determined period of time with clearly defined aims and targets.

Get In Touch

Come along as a guest

Please call us first so we know to expect you and can make sure you are welcomed!

We meet every Wednesday morning from 7am until 8.30am at the Cresta Court Hotel, Altrincham.

Register as a guest here

Come along as a guest

Please call us first so we know to expect you and can make sure you are welcomed!

We meet every Wednesday morning from 7am until 8.30am at the Mercure Bowdon Hotel, Langham Road, Bowdon.

Register as a guest here